This is vastly different from any other ab program I have ever done. And it is so simple and fun to do. Almost feels like the 8 minutes is over too fast. Until you feel your abs the next morning.
8 weeks are gone and I lost over 5kg so thank you! It's the first workout program I ever completed and actually got results I was looking for. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
This was not the first program I bought but I think it might be the last! I usually lose interest when workouts start repeating themselves. That never happened here.

Want to hear more?

A few years working from home resulted in +5kg and a bloated, bulky stomach. Luckily I found this program. After the first workout I knew this was going to work. Now it’s 8 weeks later and almost back to ideal weight and my belly is almost as flat as it was before.

Marie, 36
Started the 8 Minute Abs program in September 2021
Oh wow, that’s all I have to say. Those 8 minute workouts are amazing. I mean you would think that there’s no way that you get anything done in that time. I just hope that you try one of these workouts and I promise you will feel the consequences the next day.

Anna, 42
Started the 8 Minute Abs program in September 2021
For some reason it seems like all the workout programs out there are made for 20 somethings or people who can bend in every imaginable way. So this program felt like a gift from heaven. A big plus for me is that I don’t have to drive to the gym anymore which is quite far away from my home.

Ingrid, 58
Started the 8 Minute Abs program in September 2021
For the last few years it has been hard to keep training regularly. Because of that I gained a few pounds and a few of my favorite jeans started to get a little too tight. That was the signal for me to do something. I joined your program and after a few weeks I started to see the results.

Hilda, 46
Started the 8 Minute Abs program in October 2021
I know this isn’t a weight loss program but I still managed to get rid of like 8 pounds. And my belly area is much flatter. The workouts were much more effective than I could imagine. Still not too arduous to skip or quit one. So I would give you guys 10/10 for this. And a huge thanks!

Anna, 42
Started the 8 Minute Abs program in September 2021
When you guys said that these workout are fun I was like sure. That’s what everyone says. I still bought the program to get myself in shape. What happened surprised me cause the workouts actually are fun, like really.

Wanda, 44
Started the 8 Minute Abs program in October 2021
So I dropped a dress size and I had to buy new pants. Didn’t see this coming when I joined the program. And I didn’t really think I would tell anyone I joined but now I have a bunch friends going through the program as well.

Wilhelmina, 35
Started the 8 Minute Abs program in August 2021
Never would have thought that 8 minutes is enough to get my whole core burning and sore even the next day. The program is wonderfully designed cause it’s challenging enough through the whole 8 weeks so you don’t get bored and the workouts are easy and short enough that you just want to do them.

Adriana, 29
Started the 8 Minute Abs program in September 2021
This was a fun and effective way to lose weight, get a tighter core area and waist and yes find those missing abs again. After 8 weeks the scale said -3,9kg which is more than I hoped for.

Sara, 25
Started the 8 Minute Abs program in October 2021
I can totally recommend the 8 Minute Abs-program to other people. I just love the burn in my abs after workouts. And moving with the discs is just so fun.

Mandy, 39
Started the 8 Minute Abs program in August 2021
I would say this was an investment worth every penny. You can see that this was not hustled up in a day. All the workouts were planned to perfection. The discs, phone stand and even packaging looks amazing.

Cathy, 61
Started the 8 Minute Abs program in October 2021
What a delightful idea to give out the phone stand. I mean that’s just something really thoughtful and very helpful. It makes the workouts at least 50% easier to follow when you can see the videos from your phone just right.

Ursula, 41
Started the 8 Minute Abs program in October 2021
Joining this program was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have never before enjoyed exercising but with this I got the spark. First workouts were tough but fun and the end result speaks for itself… -5.7kg lost during the 8 weeks.

Monika, 43
Started the 8 Minute Abs program in October 2021
I got what I wanted. I lost over 3 kilos, my tummy is slimmer and tighter and I feel just great. Those discs are easy to take with you so I did a couple workouts while working abroad. I can and have recommended this to others.

Gisele, 36
Started the 8 Minute Abs program in October 2021
The burning sensation after the first workout was just amazing. And you could still feel it the morning after. Well the result is -4,3kg and my waist is way slimmer than before.

Karen, 47
Started the 8 Minute Abs program in August 2021
This actually works! Even random people at work started to notice and compliment my transformation. So I can give a full-hearted recommendation to try this out, even if you have failed before like I had.

Anika, 29
Started the 8 Minute Abs program in October 2021
I have to give a big thanks to you guys! This program got me hooked instantly. The workouts were great and the discs made working out fun… just like you said. I just wonder why nobody else has created something like this before!

Vera, 36
Started the 8 Minute Abs program in October 2021

ready to experience it yourself?


24 minutes a week is enough to get a fit and tight core.

Start a 8 week program and train with special sliding discs at the peace of your own home 3 times a week and 8 minutes at a time.

You get the program and equipment you need. We ship them to you. You just need a little space in your home for 8 minutes at a time. And that’s it.

You can finally ditch the endless crunches – and do something that is fun and effortless. You will feel the results after your first workout!