Getting started

So, you’ve decided to try the most efficient core workout on the planet. That’s great!

You will receive your free sliding discs shortly after joining the program. Before you begin, please read through this page to find out how the program and discs work.


8 minutes discs
Use the discs with the black side facing up when working out on a soft surface (e.g., carpet).
Flip the discs and have the peach-colored side facing up when working out on a hard surface (e.g., floor).

Course page

1: Progress Chart

On the course page you’ll see a progress chart. This chart updates automatically whenever you finish a workout.

2: Your Next Workout

You’ll be able to access your next workout quickly by clicking on the “Your Next Workout Is Here” button.

Workout page

1: "Mark Complete" Button

When you’ve finished a workout, remember to click on the “Mark Complete” button found under each exercise video. This will update your progress chart.

2: Previous and Next Workout

In case you ended up opening the wrong workout, you can easily switch between different exercises by clicking the “Previous Workout” or “Next Workout” button.

3: Tips, Tricks, and Alternative Moves

Are the exercises too complex, or are you struggling to finish them? Make sure to view the “Slipping, Not Sliding” toggle. Here, you can find more information and alternative moves.

It's time to meet those abs – start your first workout now!